- Forty Years of Empowering Women
- Gender rights and gender funding are under attack....
- IWDA’S 40th Anniversary and Strategic Plan Launc...
- Vale Dr Anne S. Walker AM: A Lifelong Champion for...
- Looking back on 2024 at IWDA
- What are the 16 days of Activism, and why should y...
- Speaking up for girls and young people in the Paci...
- Cambodia continues the journey towards legal marri...
- 12 podcasts that will change how you think about f...
- 'The Blank Bilum': The WEAVERS research team conti...
- Engaging in truth-telling this NAIDOC Week and bey...
- Meet the men taking on gender-based violence in Bo...
- Cambodia's Worker's Information Centre equips garm...
- IWDA welcomes new Co-Chair
- Why we’re decolonising our approach to feminism ...
- Vale: Dr. Helen Mary Hill
- Major milestone for women’s rights in Solomon Is...
- Our new podcast says F! It! to foreign policy as w...
- Update: Statement on Gaza and Israel from IWDA
- New research delves deep into PNG’S women’s ri...
- In Pictures: International Women's Day across Asia...
- IWDA and AFFPC launch trailer for F!IT podcast
- 6 Reasons Why The World Needs Feminists
- IWDA welcomes Nayomi Kannangara as CEO
- Creating an ecosystem of Co-existence: Oceanic Pac...
- IWDA’s Joanne Crawford AM recognised in honours ...
- 11 Years, 11 Reflections on a Feminist Journey
- 16 Days of Activism Across Asia and the Pacific
- "It's everybody's business": addressing gender-bas...
- Upcoming leadership change at IWDA
- IWDA calls for ceasefire in Gaza
- First Nations justice: truth and treaty now
- Our Letters to the Movement
- Fiji’s first feminist leadership program for Dea...
- Women Deliver: A Journey of Regional Solidarity an...
- 5 Lessons I’ve Learned from Majority World Women
- Data for Gender Equality zine
- YES to a First Nations Voice to Parliament
- The 3rd Pacific Feminist Forum 2023
- Introducing our Strategic Plan 2025
- Vale Dr Ruth Pfanner: IWDA co-founder and pioneer
- 6 Ways to Meaningfully Engage in National Reconcil...
- GADC: tackling gender norms one small business at ...
- Women Deliver 2023: Making the local global
- In Pictures: Activists mark International Women's ...
- Here’s why we’re saying no to #EmbraceEquity t...
- Equality Insights: Gender Equality in Numbers
- What is CSW and why are we taking part?
- Thinking of Wendy
- In Pictures: 16 days of Activism 2022 across Asia ...
- Advancing disability rights at all levels in Solom...
- How women-led savings clubs can help us achieve ge...
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence ...
- Zine: Imagining Feminist Futures After Covid-19
- 6 Women From History You Should Know About
- Creating the language of gender equality in Vanuat...
- Data is a Feminist Issue
- Download feminist wallpaper for your desktop
- WATCH: The Trouble with Capitalism – A Case for ...
- The Master’s Toolkits Will Never Dismantle the M...
- What is Anti-Capitalist Feminism?
- WATCH: Double Trouble - Feminist Co-Leadership and...
- The women left behind by Cambodia’s pandemic res...
- 16 Days of Activism across Asia and the Pacific
- What is feminist foreign policy and why is it the ...
- This gender-based violence service in Solomon Isla...
- Why Climate Action is Critical to Achieving Gender...
- 12 feminist podcasts
- Co-Chairs to lead IWDA
- How Myanmar will be spending this year’s Interna...
- WATCH: Creating Strong Feminist Organisations Webi...
- IWDA's commitments to Generation Equality
- Why we’re ‘stepping up’ for feminist movemen...
- MEDIA RELEASE: Australia should be at the forefron...
- How young women led their communities in the face ...
- MEDIA RELEASE: Gender equality must be forefront o...
- Champion of women’s and girls’ rights appointe...
- IWDA Appoints Four New Non-Executive Directors
- Statement to parliamentary hearing on Myanmar: Aus...
- Joint media release: Australian civil society gro...
- Three Reasons We’re Excited about Feminist Movem...
- Vale Sr Margaret: A remarkable woman who believed ...
- What is CSW and why are we taking part?
- 6 podcasts, books and resources bringing us hope f...
- We Rise Coalition Announces New Partners
- 16 Days of Activism across Asia and the Pacific
- In a year of darkness, here’s where we found hop...
- Watch: COVID-19: A Message From Young Women
- Inside the women’s movement sweeping Myanmar’s...
- Can data be feminist?
- Women are Still at risk during COVID-19
- Imagining Feminist Futures After COVID-19
- 35 years of IWDA
- 'My Favourite Feminist Films'
- Introducing IWDA's new Strategic Plan
- This Solomon Islands safe house provides a lifelin...
- Understanding the Value of Care in a Crisis
- Vale Deb Foskey: a passionate feminist, environmen...
- COVID-19 Impacts Women Differently, and Here's How
- A Feminist Foreign Policy for Australia
- Cambodia's Young Women Prove They Can Lead
- "She Is Too Fond of Books" – Online Book Clubs f...
- TOOLKIT: How Will Economic Change Impact Gender Ro...
- Top 10 Feminist Podcasts to Stay Social in Shutdow...
- In times of crisis, joint advocacy is key
- Now, more than ever, homes must be safe for all wo...
- Why Women’s Rights Advocacy is Different: Plan Y...
- IWDA CEO Calls on Governments to Show Leadership o...
- The most dangerous place for women? Their own home...
- 10 New & Old Books for Intersectional Feminist Rea...
- WAVE: PNG Civil Society Calls for CEDAW Report
- Nine of 2019’s Top Feminist Moments
- Prestigious Human Rights Award for our Partner Wom...
- 2020: The Year for Women's Movements
- 16 Facts: Violence Against Women
- VIDEO: Women leaders stand up to gender-based viol...
- The Mountains Climbed by Women Politicians in Myan...
- The Mountains Climbed by Women Politicians in Myan...
- WAVE: Cambodia Partners Present in Geneva
- A Love Letter to My Younger Self – Day of the Gi...
- WAVE Movement Series: How Do You Build Movements?
- Registrations live for Measure What Matters Global...
- Women's Leadership: Separating Fact From Fiction
- WAVE Movement Series: What Makes A Movement Femini...
- WAVE: Women Advocate for Peace
- How Feminist Leadership Can Pave the Way to Climat...
- Independent but not yet free: the evolving work of...
- WAVE Movement Series: The Power of Movements
- 6 must-read women writers from Asia and the Pacifi...
- Meet the men campaigning for gender equality in ru...
- Amplifying women’s voices in Timor-Leste
- Srilatha Batliwala: What makes me hopeful
- Ending sexual violence in conflict
- What is a women's safe house, and what do they do?
- Making Infrastructure Work for Gender Equality
- Women march for peace in Bougainville
- This is the cost of climate change inaction
- Why Australia needs a feminist foreign policy
- Mobilising for change at the Pacific Feminist Foru...
- Women's political representation: Do gender quotas...
- Women step forward in Timor-Leste’s historic ele...
- Celebrating 20 years of feminist activism in Myanm...
- Our Voice: Celebrating Women’s Leadership on Int...
- Press Release: Feminist leadership delivers on wom...
- UN Report calls for greater protection of Women Hu...
- Who are Women Human Rights Defenders and what do t...
- Remembering Sally Horne
- What is CSW and why are we in New York to be part ...
- New domestic violence laws are a message to women ...
- Download International Women’s Day march posters
- Our Voice: Time to Recognise Women’s Leadership ...
- "On International Women’s Day, we hold hands tog...
- Cho Cho’s freedom was sold. Every day, she endur...
- Timor-Leste women MPs visit Canberra
- 7 ways we work to end violence against women
- 2019: The feminist year ahead
- Myanmar’s women MPs break new ground
- What We Learned from the latest Global Gender Gap ...
- 2018: The year of raising Our Voice
- Top 9 Moments for Women’s Rights in 2018
- 4 ways you can take feminist action into the New Y...
- Our Top Feminist Anthems
- Economic empowerment, gender norms and violence ag...
- These savings clubs are changing women’s lives
- 16 Days of Activism in Asia Pacific
- Fiji General Elections: ‘It’s time for women t...
- Thanks to you!
- Women Human Rights Defenders gather in Bougainvill...
- Victorian women talk leadership
- ‘Together we are powerful’ – Speech by IWDA ...
- Power Meri: Can one team raise the dream of millio...
- Empowering girls to lead in Fiji
- 8 feminist podcasts from around the world
- Celebrating Pride Week in Timor-Leste
- Celebrating 19 years of economic empowerment
- Why Women Must Be Visible In The Measurement Of SD...
- Supporting Policy Makers To Leave No One Behind
- Thank you for standing with us
- Women of Bougainville lead the way
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), ...
- Do No Harm - Women in Formal Employment
- Dr Wendy Poussard Order of Australia (AM) – Supe...
- WIC supports women workers in Cambodia to stand up...
- How much money could you save by donating?
- FWRM leading the fight for equality in the workpla...
- Women in Myanmar know it’s not about SEX, it’s...
- Aid Budget: Going Backwards, Standing Strong On Ge...
- The Australian Government needs to be doing more t...
- The structures we need to achieve the Global Goals...
- IWDA’s Submission to the Joint Standing Committe...
- What does intersectional feminism actually mean?
- It's not about sex, it's about power.
- Human Rights Arts and Film Festival is back!
- Pacific partners reflect on the world’s biggest ...
- What is it like to have your period in a developin...
- Our Voice: Women leading change through WAVE
- In Pictures: Melbourne's International Women's Day...
- IWDA and IDM welcome Joanna Pradela
- "Feminist Leadership is about speaking up and cont...
- Leading Change: The Importance of Supporting Women...
- #OurMoment: IWDA Honours One of Our Own for Intern...
- WAVE – Our Voice: The joint advocacy campaign br...
- 4 things to do if you can't march this Internation...
- #OurMoment: The matriarchs of Papua New Guinea shu...
- #OurMoment: The women changing lives in Myanmar's ...
- WAVE – Many countries, one voice: The groundbrea...
- #OurMoment: 5 reasons to march on International Wo...
- The women-led fund bringing super, insurance and l...
- International Women's Day: Then and Now
- Here’s what climate change looks like in the Pac...
- Women of the world are marching again this weekend
- Why illiteracy is a women’s rights issue
- Clothing as protest: 4 times fashion was used as a...
- 8 things you might not know about where we work
- How to shop ethically this festive season (and bey...
- How to get experience in the women’s rights sect...
- 4 feminist foreign films to watch this weekend
- Stuck for an ethical gift? We’ve got you covered...
- The bills, resolutions and platforms protecting wo...
- What are our partners doing to round out 16 Days o...
- Bougainville Women's Forums: In Pictures
- IWDA's Response to Australia's Foreign Policy Whit...
- Equality means all of us. Here’s how that looks ...
- 7 feminist novels to read this summer
- IWDA honors outgoing CEO Joanna Hayter and welcome...
- 5 LGBTQI organisations you need to know about
- Equality won.
- Women of Jiwaka demand change
- What is it like to visit rural Timor-Leste?
- The best tweets from IWDA’s intersectionality pa...
- 5 women peace activists to celebrate this Friday
- Why were zero women elected to Papua New Guinea's ...
- Statement from International Women’s Development...
- What data can mean for social change
- Why we need to support young women leaders
- Global Goals: What have we achieved two years on?
- Myanmar women's org calls for action re: Rakhine S...
- 4 feminist musicians you need to hear
- In some countries, we’re still 300 years away fr...
- 3 international feminist legends to learn about th...
- Here’s why everyone is wearing purple today
- Why voting Yes on marriage equality is a feminist ...
- WAVE – 6 learnings from the new generation of My...
- 5 feminist Ted Talks to get your through Friday ar...
- How much do you know about Bougainville?
- Iconic Indigenous women making the world a better ...
- 6 months on: Mentoring the next generation of Myan...
- How can the Global Goals turn commitments into glo...
- 3 feminist sHEROes driving the women’s movement ...
- 10 things you might not know about Papua New Guine...
- How young women leaders are reducing gender inequa...
- 4 historic heroines you probably haven’t heard o...
- 10 things you probably don’t know about Solomon ...
- 5 ways climate change is a women's rights issue
- 10 of our favourite Malala quotes to get you inspi...
- What is the informal economy?
- We’re in New York for the High Level Political F...
- 10 things you probably don’t know about Fiji
- 4 indigenous Australian women to watch this NAIDOC
- 6 books to read to better understand intersectiona...
- Why We Need a Regional Approach to the Global Goal...
- 5 reasons you should donate to women’s rights be...
- 10 things you probably don’t know about Cambodia
- Meet our Change Makers
- Women's Rights Workers create change across genera...
- 5 podcasts to try if you’re interested in global...
- Three women who made the headlines this week
- Canada announces gender equality as a pillar of th...
- Alice Aruhe'eta Pollard of Wara
- Floating banks, legal aid and ending human traffic...
- Five women’s rights documentaries to watch tonig...
- 10 things you probably don’t know about Timor-Le...
- The climate change sHEROes of DIVA
- 10 things you probably don’t know about Myanmar
- Budget 2017/18 – where is gender in the numbers?
- Bougainville Women Human Rights Defenders Forum
- WAVE – Mentor program confronts Myanmar’s patr...
- IWDA partners take the international stage in New ...
- Susan Carland meets our Cambodian partners
- 3 ways to be an intersectional feminist ally
- From quilts to poetry: 4 heroines who used their a...
- Meet the first female President of Micronesia
- How can investing in women's confidence change the...
- The Opposition's Women's Budget Statement is a ste...
- Civil Society Launch 2016 Report Card on Women, Pe...
- Budgets Matter: Don't Let Them Be Gender Blind
- Global Goals: Achieving Gender Equality in Austral...
- 25 years supporting IWDA: "I'm not afraid to call ...
- 3 More Women Who Didn’t Make Your History Class
- Friday sHero: Dr. Teresia Teaiwa, giant of Pacific...
- How Sport is Being Used to Squash Sexism in Fiji
- Global Goals: What We've All Committed to and Why ...
- 5 Feminist Podcasts You Need To Listen To Immediat...
- 3 friendships that reshaped women's rights
- United Nations Orders Inquiry into Severe Rights V...
- Meet three of Myanmar’s newest women leaders
- UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women fi...
- The Inner Workings of an International NGO
- This week we’re at the Commission on the Status ...
- Facing Bush Knives to Defend Women in Papua New Gu...
- Our Friday Feminist sHERO Is You.
- Here’s What International Women’s Day Looked L...
- IWDA meets Australia’s Ambassador for Women and ...
- 4 More Historic Heroines We Want You To Meet
- 4 Feminist Gift Ideas for $30 and Under
- A week in Phnom Penh with Dr Susan Carland and Cam...
- What do we mean when we say 'women's movement'?
- How to Get a Job in the Development Sector: IWDA S...
- 5 Historical Feminists you Might Not Know but Shou...
- The Australian Government's Commitment to Women's ...
- We Welcome the Appointment of Dr Sharman Stone as ...
- Individual Deprivation Measure Formally Launched b...
- The Women-Run Radio Station Saving Lives During Na...
- You Need to Know these Women Shining in our Region...
- When Judith Met Nan Moe: The Mentor Program Confro...
- How to Practise Feminist Self-Care During Dark Tim...
- 4 Mic-drops from Women on the Internet this Week
- What Exactly does the Global Gag Rule Mean for Wom...
- Women storm the world demanding better from the la...
- Challenging discrimination against women with disa...
- The Women-Run Radio Station Saving Lives During Na...
- 6 ways you can support women’s rights that don't...
- Friday feminist sHEROes: Planned Parenthood
- 4 things we want for women in 2017
- Reflections from the Pacific Feminist Forum: Femin...
- The sHEROes behind our beautiful new ethical art
- The new Act finally making domestic violence illeg...
- Friday Feminist sHERO: Natasha Stott Despoja
- Why women's organisations still matter in 2016
- Meet the Movement: Barbara Dockalova, Womankind Wo...
- The Australian Government wants to restrict paid p...
- My story: being a strong leader in Timor-Leste
- The power of women’s protest: 4 times we won in ...
- Meet the movement: Dr Emma Fulu of The Equality In...
- Why I support IWDA: The electronic music artist pi...
- What are our partners doing to mark 16 Days?
- A Snapshot Of Women's Wins in 2016
- Australia to Tanzania: 5 Major Achievements For Th...
- 2016: 5 Major Achievements For The Women's Movemen...
- What has the women's movement achieved in 2016?
- Reflections on succeeding as a female CEO
- 16 Days across the world: In pictures
- 5 Ways Climate Change Affects Women More Than Men
- Climate Change and Women
- How Does Climate Change Affect Women?
- Dominican Republic to Australia: Why 16 Days of Ac...
- How Can We Fight Gender-Based Violence?
- 7 Ways to Fight gender-based violence
- 7 Ways the Feminist Movement is Fighting Gender-Ba...
- 7 ways the women’s rights movement is fighting g...
- Timor-Leste doubles the number of women Village Ch...
- Solomon Islands to Argentina: The Rise Of Women In...
- Fiji To Iceland: The Rise Of Women In 2016
- 2016: 10 Ways Women Have Advanced The World
- 2016: 10 Ways Women Have Advanced Rights This Year
- 4 amazing women who gave us hope this month
- What's life like for women in Myanmar?
- How to be a feminist ally
- The growing women’s movement in Solomon Islands
- Women and Men of Bougainville Working Together to ...
- The sHEROes of Standing Rock
- 4 feminist TED Talks we love
- The women running the village of Lalawa
- Development sector stands behind sexual and gender...
- UN Security Council Debate shines a spotlight on W...
- Brazil: Association for Women’s Rights and Devel...
- Building capacity in disability inclusion in Papua...
- Message from the CEO
- Ethnic women in Myanmar take the world stage
- What we learned from two huge feminist gatherings
- Bridging the distance: The challenges of rural fem...
- Case study: West ‘Are’Are Rokotanikeni Associa...
- Case study: Banteay Srei, Cambodia
- Case study: Women's League of Burma, Myanmar
- Case study: Voice for Change, Papua New Guinea
- Case study: Fiji Women's Rights Movement, Fiji
- Case study: The Alola Foundation, Timor-Leste
- Who run the world? The girls in Fiji who are deman...
- How Nhean left a violent husband and gained financ...
- The women running the village of Lalawa
- Why women’s roles in ending conflict might not b...
- Who run the world? The girls in Fiji who are deman...
- What’s the role of the UN Secretary General?
- Yet Another Man Chosen to Lead the United Nations
- The obstacles to women’s rights in the matriline...
- Friday Feminist sHERO: Nou Phallar, Cambodian vill...
- Intergenerational empowerment through savings club...
- The Women of WAVE: In Photos
- We can’t close the gender gap without closing th...
- The new service connecting rural women survivors i...
- Who supports those dedicating their life to advanc...
- Friday Feminist sHERO: Vote for Cheery!
- When Women Know Their Rights
- Female fisherwomen face challenges in Fiji
- Women’s participation in sport encouraged in Fij...
- PNG’s Women’s Chamber of Commerce raises funds...
- Education grants for PNG women
- Peace building programme encourages women’s part...
- Cambodian woman taekwondo star to compete in South...
- Myanmar women’s team defeated in international c...
- Timor-Leste woman the first to represent her count...
- Pacific women take on Rio Olympics
- Women becoming more confident in reporting sexual ...
- More women needed in local government in Cambodia
- Cambodia’s first gay bar for women opens
- Three young women launch business to support Cambo...
- Pacific Women’s group meets to discuss violence ...
- Farming mud crabs could help financially empower w...
- Women doctor trials new digital approach for cance...
- PNG woman to become first Pacific woman executive ...
- More women and girls encouraged to play rugby 7s i...
- Partnership programme to support women’s politic...
- Celebrating these diverse young feminists
- Three ways garment factories violate women's right...
- Friday Feminist sHERO: Alice Aruhe’eta Pollard o...
- She’s a survivor: How this woman left a violent ...
- Young women key to achieving peace in Solomon Isla...
- Cambodian woman founds publishing house to support...
- Women’s football gets funding boost in Papua New...
- Information sharing to benefit Myanmar’s women g...
- New initiative to help women reach their full pote...
- Calls for more women to participate in Solomon Isl...
- Timor-Leste study finds mobile phones are an impor...
- PNG’s women’s cricket team one step closer to ...
- UNFPA acknowledges collaboration for the benefit o...
- Women selected represent Solomon Islands at busine...
- $2.3 million to support women’s economic empower...
- Fiji’s female entrepreneurs face hurdles
- New U-18’s women’s football league launched in...
- The last of traditional women’s facial tattoos i...
- Olympic council secretary-general calls for equal ...
- Papua New Guinea’s women’s cricket team defeat...
- Cambodia’s first female long distance runner to ...
- Women in business celebrated in the Solomon Island...
- Volunteer Opportunity: Women’s empowerment in Ca...
- Women graduates to receive business training
- Festival touring to encourage girls to play footba...
- Mekong Financial Inclusion Forum acknowledges wome...
- Siem Reap to host Women in Sport Leadership semina...
- Karina Paeneitala crowned Solomon Islands’ Busin...
- Women’s rights activists in Myanmar demand chang...
- World Population Day’s message: Invest in teenag...
- Timor-Leste police to focus on preventative polici...
- We need the dream of the Global Goals to become a ...
- Fiji’s west has highest levels of violence again...
- Solomon Islands business women celebrated at award...
- Solomon Islands business women celebrated at award...
- Craft show supports single mothers in Fiji
- Women get water flowing to village in Fiji
- Challenges to overcome for a better chance at gend...
- Better access to justice needed for women in Myanm...
- Myanmar government needs to commit to women’s ri...
- Women hit the road for girl’s education
- Education on family violence needed for police in ...
- UN review women’s rights in Myanmar
- Papua New Guinea receives low ranking for people t...
- 81% of girls in Timor-Leste think violence is just...
- Time for Accountability: High Level Political Foru...
- Women and Girls encouraged to live their goals in ...
- Cambodian women artists exhibit in New York
- Solomon Islands women’s hockey team’s internat...
- Conference focuses on women’s empowerment in Fij...
- Myanmar’s nationwide ceasefire agreement analyse...
- Women give boost to Cambodia’s growing frisbee s...
- Timor-Leste sees a drop in women’s participation...
- New women’s centre to help social and economic g...
- New Women’s Resource Centre to create opportunit...
- Bringing Women’s Rights out of the shadows in My...
- It’s time! WAVE partners call for a woman UN Sec...
- Is climate change a gender equality issue?
- Gender quotas increase women’s participation in ...
- Women-friendly spaces welcomed in Fiji
- The difficult journey to becoming a female doctor ...
- Solomon Islands cannot progress without women
- Fijian Government funds projects for women
- Feminists question new Cambodian school’s curric...
- Digital Storytelling project shares the stories of...
- Laws only one part of solution to ending domestic ...
- Calls to lift ban on Myanmar women working abroad ...
- Swedish government supports UNDP programs in Myanm...
- Women in Timor-Leste gain more funding thanks to r...
- Artist blazes a trail for women artists in Cambodi...
- Cambodian woman selected for entrepreneur’s summ...
- Fiji counts cost of domestic violence
- Women lead the call for gun control in Bougainvill...
- Women in leadership conference held in Papua New G...
- Solomon Island’s women’s hockey team to play f...
- Solomon Islands woman receives Queen’s birthday ...
- Eliminating Sexual Violence in Conflict
- Myanmar's feminist bootcamp graduate elected to St...
- Toolkit on eliminating violence against women and ...
- Women’s leadership and participation project in ...
- Australia Award winner a champion for women engine...
- Forced marriages can result in slavery for Cambodi...
- Anti-violence plays earn Solomon Islands producer ...
- Women living in rural villages knock it for six
- Women’s MP says South Bougainville is starting t...
- Papua New Guinea needs to train more trauma counse...
- Report on gender equality in Myanmar to be heard a...
- Women entrepreneurs call for tax reform in Cambodi...
- Fiji’s Minister for Women says it’s time to ch...
- Women entrepreneurs call for tax reform in Cambodi...
- Violence here is akin to a war zone
- Report says more funding and support needed for wo...
- Young Cambodian women challenge expectations
- Young leaders learn new skills at transformation s...
- Attitudes changing towards women in politics in Bo...
- More protection for maids working in Malaysia
- Finance needed for women's business in Cambodia
- Gender Policy workshop held in Fiji to address inc...
- Young activist fights for her rights in Myanmar
- “Climate warrior” women inspire at conference
- Women empowered to step up in basketball
- Training program for women’s safety on worksites...
- Startup weekend for business women in Cambodia
- Women in business conference inspires entrepreneur...
- Women’s rights activists tackle taboos in Myanma...
- Rugby League empowers women in Papua New Guinea
- No longer underestimated: Reaching economic indepe...
- Urgent action fund supports fearless women breakin...
- Fiji Women mobilise during full-force of “monste...
- No longer silenced: Pushing the gender agenda at t...
- Remote Reef Islands welcome water supply projects
- Report on ending violence against women in Timor-L...
- Is Myanmar’s female political representation bet...
- Fiji has more women enrolled in higher education
- Cambodia’s tech sector growing without women
- Women need to be at the core of the humanitarian r...
- Women’s involvement in Papua New Guinea’s econ...
- Young women represent Solomon Islands at Women Del...
- New factory brings jobs to Cambodian women
- Cambodia Women Entrepreneurs Association ask for s...
- Government and community work together in Fiji to ...
- Period shame tackled on Menstrual Hygiene Day in M...
- Runner hopes to be Cambodia’s first female Olymp...
- New women’s development centre in Ba, Fiji
- Chiefs pledge to protect women and children
- 44,061 lives changed.
- How she left the man who stabbed her.
- Fiji's women in business celebrated at awards
- Economic empowerment program a success in Fiji
- Solomon Islands strengthens Family Protection Act
- New program to increase women’s political partic...
- Cambodia’s new population policy to raise the st...
- Women entrepreneurs share success stories with you...
- Garment workers in Cambodia to get health insuranc...
- Empowering women in Timor-Leste
- Calls to increase women’s political participatio...
- Crucial time for women’s participation in decisi...
- Standing Against Homophobia and Transphobia with D...
- In this place, 9/10 women suffer abuse.
- Solomon Islands’ business women to build network...
- UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation publishes...
- Steel factory in Myanmar to compensate female work...
- Report shows gender snapshot of pacific and Timor-...
- Papua New Guinea’s struggle with domestic and se...
- iWomen app connects women in Myanmar
- Fiji Women’s Rights Movement calls for sexuality...
- Papua New Guinea’s gender record criticised at U...
- Fiji and Solomon Islands to work together on gende...
- Female farmers trained to improve agricultural pro...
- The Lowy Institute hosting event on gender-based v...
- Timor-Leste adopts plan for women’s participatio...
- Budget 2016-17: Gender equality focus welcome but ...
- Meet ALFeLa: Championing women’s rights in Timor...
- Women’s economic empowerment critical to safegua...
- Cricket builds confidence for young women in Papua...
- Female entrepreneur to fun new garment factory in ...
- Are Cambodian sayings discriminatory against women...
- Progress in Timor-Leste for women’s access to ju...
- ‘Mum’s a hero’ - brings women together with ...
- Women from Solomon Islands are encouraged to apply...
- Women in Papua New Guinea suffering in silence
- Women and children in remote areas of Myanmar to b...
- The Global Goals: Moving Towards Implementation
- Female and fearless - meet the women taking on dem...
- Collaboration in the face of disaster
- Fijian girls to Grow Inspire Relate Lead and Succe...
- Learning exchange for Women’s Weather Watch
- Fijian women strength shines through storm
- Women fish to feed their families
- Pacific Hockey Program to encourage women’s part...
- Sokyou’s ride from scientist to stardom
- What do gas and mining have to do with women’s e...
- Mobile phones help women stay safe in Cambodia
- Infographic: Inequality is Worldwide
- Interim review on Women, Peace and Security welcom...
- Dr Alice Pollard Awarded Women of Courage Award
- Ideas for Australia: Sold short – Australia’s ...
- Fiji devastated by unprecedented rainfall in the w...
- Economic empowerment key to addressing gender base...
- Port Moresby Governor Powes Parkop joins #HeForShe
- New Family Protection Act for Solomon Islands
- Papua New Guinea’s Women in Leadership group cam...
- Women in Myanmar face violence, poverty and drugs
- Fijian women come together to call to eradicate ge...
- Cambodia’s first women’s wheelchair team to ta...
- “Rampant gender inequality” faced by Fijian wo...
- Join team IWDA and invest in the future of women i...
- Time to stop short-changing women and girls
- A truly feminist partnership: IWDA and prominent F...
- Meet the women leading the next wave of women’s ...
- Why poverty is sexist
- Safer births for women in Papua New Guinea
- Fijian first inspires women
- Sisters of the Pacific - Rising from the Waves
- Solomon Island women encouraged to apply for schol...
- Rhona Smith: Violence against women in Cambodia co...
- Cyclone Winston’s impact on Fijian women
- Women police officers in Timor-Leste campaign agai...
- Jeanette Suka Ila: Girls should take part in decis...
- Human Rights Arts & Film Festival
- CSW60: A catalyst for new priorities and new appro...
- Measurement matters: development of the global ind...
- Time to unleash the transformative potential of wo...
- IWDA CEO Joanna Hayter inducted to the Victorian H...
- International Women’s Day 2016: A Message from J...
- Addressing violence against women in Papua New Gui...
- DFAT’s gender strategy welcomed by IWDA: now for...
- Dance Selina
- Alola’s impact: Strong Women, Strong Nation
- The Importance of Women’s Leadership Post Cyclon...
- Peni Moore – the passing of a bold and brave fem...
- IWDA stands in solidarity with Fiji
- Women’s representation can change attitudes
- Over 100 years later women are still not equal - b...
- Who Cares? Why having a target on unpaid care in t...
- Vale Naomi Yupae: Friend, Sister, Colleague
- Study finds that companies with more women leaders...
- Girls Who Code
- Event: March for International Women’s Day (Melb...
- Gender violence and the cost to business
- An oral history of female entrepreneurs in Myanmar
- No women, no peace
- The year of the female entrepreneur
- Fijian women encouraged to pursue male-dominated t...
- Solar engineering training for Fiji’s women
- Small steps but big potential for new female MPs i...
- Rural Solomon Islands training centre prioritises ...
- Meet the 16 women’s rights organisations that wi...
- Committee on the Status of Women announce their Wo...
- Student to AWID board member: The story of Betty B...
- The women building Myanmar
- Boosting entrepreneurship among Nepal’s rural wo...
- Fiji’s first ever gender empowerment forum
- South Asian Women Parliamentarian Dialogue
- Improving the status of women and the Fijian gover...
- Empowering rural women through conservation
- Bridging the digital divide in Cambodia
- Promoting equality through female police officers
- Making women visible
- Prime Minister Bainimarama on the economic empower...
- The newest President on the planet: IWDA congratul...
- Women MPs doubled in Myanmar’s new-look parliame...
- Young Fijian Women Rise Up!
- Women’s equality is key to enormous economic gro...
- Including more women in the global financial syste...
- Event: Pause Fest (Melbourne)
- Markets for Change
- Gender sensitivity in disaster management
- Event: Stella Sparks launch party (Melbourne)
- Cambodian women face major economic challenges
- Cambodian artists confront gender roles with conte...
- The missing ingredient for success - Global Goal 1...
- Port Moresby’s female-only bus
- What will 2016 bring for Pacific women?
- Gender balance is a business imperative
- Women’s funds lead the way for local philanthrop...
- Restrictions on women in Saudi Arabia
- Last year’s wins for women and girls
- The gender equality to-do list
- Overcoming gender barriers through sport
- Australian Volunteers International seeks Small Bu...
- What’s next for gender equality in 2016?
- Training for Myanmar’s female workers
- A gender-inclusive humanitarian agenda
- More Pacific women participating in decision-makin...
- Myanmar and the Women and Girls Centre
- Top moments for women in tech in 2015
- Gender equality, peace and security in Nepal and M...
- Gender biases in Pacific lead to shorter jail sent...
- Accounting for gender equality in Papua New Guinea
- A personal recount of FLOW by Losana Tuiraviravi f...
- IWDA secures €14.2 million grant from the Govern...
- Asia Pacific and the implementation of CEDAW
- Unlocking female success
- Female Lethwei fighters in Myanmar
- Case studies show achievements in gender equality ...
- The changing lives of women in Myanmar
- Steve Ciobo on the launch of the Pacific Women Ina...
- Women in Power Exhibition (Sydney)
- Female artisans contribute to the economic growth ...
- Encouraging Fijian women to pursue ICT careers
- Championing women’s rights in 2016
- Addressing gender-based violence against women and...
- Women Continue to Bear the Brunt of the PNG Drough...
- IWDA welcomes inquiry report into women's human ri...
- Female voices of Myanmar
- Improving Cambodia’s response to violence agains...
- Bystanders and gender-based violence
- Uplifting women in Myanmar
- Pacific Women Reflect on Leadership
- Time for action: Violence against women is not ine...
- 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence ...
- Exposure to gender-based violence in media is link...
- Concerted effort can end violence against women
- Female entrepreneurs in Myanmar
- Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka on 16 Days to End Violence ...
- Gender equality in agriculture is essential for su...
- Stronger work-family policies help women entrepren...
- Feminism and Aboriginality
- Investors must make gender equality part of the pr...
- Promoting gender equality through media
- Event: Discussing the complexities of gender and p...
- Event: Women in Leadership Summit
- 18 metres squared?
- Break the cycle of exploitation
- “I Couldn’t Sleep Last Night”: Making Histor...
- We need to talk about Global Goal 5
- The two new financial products targeted to women
- Inspired women are empowered women
- Women in power
- Iron Sisters Campaign
- First evidence-based framework to prevent gendered...
- Respect for women in PNG healthcare is growing
- The cost of gender inequality
- CEDAW discusses female leadership and inclusion wi...
- Gender policy in Fiji
- Six ways employers are raising the bar on gender e...
- 2015 Pacific Regional MDGs Tracking Report
- Female entrepreneurs of the Solomon Islands
- Empowering women through fair, ethical purchases
- The myth that gender-based violence is cultural
- Youth act to prevent violence against women
- Ensuring a safe space for women in social developm...
- Timor Leste PM and Fijian MPs discuss female empow...
- Bringing gender equality out of the shadows in Mya...
- This Sunday: Myanmar Goes to the Polls
- Vale Jacky Sutton
- Breaking gender stereotypes in Myanmar
- Advancing gender equality and women's leadership i...
- Afghanistan’s pioneering female runner
- Tanzania elects first ever female vice president
- Women's Liberation Halfway House is seeking a new ...
- Code Girl
- Empowering Fijians with greater accessibility to s...
- Training in Tech: Inspired Sharing
- IWDA at BOFA Film Festival
- Young Women’s Leadership Retreat
- The Danger of Discrimination
- Connecting Civil Society
- Local Solutions Advance Global Goals
- Access Promotes Participation
- Continuing The Contest
- Falling Short of the Nomination List
- Mapping women's resistance to social and ecologica...
- Women’s role in peace and recovery remains under...
- Rose Cassy is #determined that all women will be a...
- The economic dimensions of domestic violence in Ti...
- Cambodian PM stresses four key points in the promo...
- Five reasons why empowering girls matters
- Event: LISTEN Conference 2015 (Melbourne)
- Menstruation is not a taboo, but a power for women
- Investing in Prevention and Intervention
- Maasai women shine in short film
- Women's Legal Centre to receive $1 million to help...
- Senate push for more women on government boards
- Fiji addresses gender inequality through sport
- Increasing women MPs in the Solomon Islands
- Poem calls for girls’ rights across the world
- Persistence Beats Resistance
- The Importance of Forums and Networks
- The Cost of Missing Out
- Security Resolution 1325: What needs to be done to...
- Education Leads To Equality
- CEOs and the gender wage gap
- Female candidates in the Myanmar election
- How is our government promoting gender equality in...
- Emerging women's leadership in Bangladesh
- 100 million women in developing countries to recei...
- Mobile apps teach Cambodians about violence agains...
- Vale Liz Holmes, former IWDA staff member and long...
- More Than Representation
- The Effectiveness of Resources
- Changing Attitudes
- Commitments Part of a Broader Narrative
- Tackling gender inequality could add $12tn to the ...
- Event: PNG Gender Parity Symposium (Canberra, Sydn...
- Measuring gender equality
- Seven women writers share what feminism means to t...
- Event: ActionAid – Safe Cities for Women (Sydney...
- Do progressive laws effectively improve gender equ...
- The Equality Policy
- Holding Australia accountable for promoting gender...
- IWDA: Supporting women towards an #equalfuture
- Girl. Woman. Leader
- Women and Democracy in Myanmar
- Rights-based organisations in Cambodia – about t...
- Progress and Growing Populations
- 'Space for Civil Society’
- Equal Opportunity – Increased Output
- Democracy Should Not Come at a Cost
- The Role of Leadership in Securing Women’s Right...
- Unlock the intelligence, passion, greatness of gir...
- Event: Road to Refuge – Women who seek safety
- Al Jazeera’s ‘Women Make Change’ documentary
- UN Women presents its work to integrate women’s ...
- ‘She Leads’ voter education for Myanmar women
- Gender inequality makes and keeps women in poverty
- Event: UN Youth Australia Gender Equality Summit (...
- Women crucial to Myanmar’s democratic transition
- Committing to Change: New Global Goals for Sustain...
- Female Candidates for Fiji Presidency
- CEO Lubna Olayan helps hundreds of Saudi women ent...
- Driving women’s empowerment
- Solomon Islands electoral officials consider gende...
- More Myanmar women running for seats in parliament...
- As SDGs loom, where do we stand now on gender equa...
- Launching Leadership
- Finding the formula for gender equality and inclus...
- Sustainable Equals Gender Equitable
- Economies that work for women
- Laws restrict women from economic opportunity
- Event: Nimco Ali in conversation with Anne Summers...
- Bridging the digital gender gap
- The Broad Benefits of Women's Leadership
- The Consequences of Climate Change
- Partners in Leading Change
- Consulting Women on Climate Change
- Event: Female Artivism (Melbourne)
- Cristina Amaral, Timor-Leste’s first female pilo...
- Rural women at the frontline of climate change are...
- Women, violence and development in Papua New Guine...
- Rosy Akbar calls growing violence against Fijian w...
- Bangladesh’s female motorbike mechanics: overcom...
- How Elizabeth Broderick led change by making gende...
- Why gender equality is the most critical of all th...
- Jo Burston launches platform to help female entrep...
- Watch: Laurie Penny discusses feminism at the 2015...
- R U OK?Day and the gendered element of mental illn...
- Mele Mauala talks gender-based violence and Samoa'...
- Global challenges require a gender dimension
- The DRC refuge transforming the lives of female su...
- Samoa appoints first permanent female Supreme Cour...
- The Nepalese girls bringing attention to gender in...
- Financial inclusion is key for the economic indepe...
- Indigenous women are raising their voices against ...
- South Africa’s rising rates of violence against ...
- Equal Pay Day: Men’s 65 day head start on pay eq...
- Dangerous Drought
- Inclusive Solutions
- Changing the Leadership Landscape
- Rights-based organisations in Cambodia – about t...
- A Pacific Pioneer
- Sustainable development agenda sets a bold vision ...
- Hope for Pakistani acid attack victims
- Economically empowering women in Timor-Leste
- Disrupting the approach to gender inequality in th...
- Rwanda’s Ni Nyampinga magazine redefines the rol...
- Solomon Islands’ national gender equality and wo...
- New Victorian school curriculum includes compulsor...
- Gender sensitivity and balance in Fijian media
- Women’s rights must be central in peace negotiat...
- Event: Cherchez La Femme – Feminism and the Left...
- Are Australian businesses finally hiring more wome...
- Domestic violence: 1 billion reasons for change
- Event: Business Chicks networking nights
- New toolkit promotes feminist movement-building th...
- Samoa’s State of Human Rights report
- Women’s economic empowerment interventions and t...
- Boosting gender equality in Fiji through monitorin...
- FLOW On the Go
- Civil Society Organisations - Take A Seat
- Radio in Cameroon amplifies the voices of women an...
- Six ways social media put girls’ rights in the s...
- Feminist contributions to the analysis of gender, ...
- Social media encourages feminist discussion in Sou...
- Economic abuse: an underreported element of domest...
- Cambodian change-makers and the youth’s role in ...
- How the security of women relates to the security ...
- Women’s political participation programme holds ...
- Event: Laurie Penny on Feminism (Melbourne)
- A focus on inequalities should mean a gendered per...
- Training in Decision-Making
- A radiant planet earth today
- The carefulness of language in shaping the future ...
- Deeply embedded cultural blocks hinder progress to...
- Requirements for effective gendered conflict preve...
- Event: Shifting News Agendas: Reporting Violence A...
- Julia Gillard says Australia has gone backwards in...
- Local norms, national institutions leading factors...
- The barriers facing Samoan women attaining leaders...
- Spare Rib and the history of women’s liberation
- Event: Women in Leadership Luncheon and Panel Disc...
- Event: Feminism in Africa – from its ancient roo...
- Video: How To Help Other Women Succeed
- Liberal female MPs agree: It’s time for an inter...
- Domestic violence isn’t solved by making women h...
- The challenges women face in Cambodia
- Domestic violence “imposes a high burden of inju...
- UN Women unveils toolkit for ending violence again...
- Women’s Leadership and the Future of Development
- Violence Against Women is a Men’s Issue Too
- Event: Rise up for Girl Rising (Sydney)
- Australian women are more likely to retire into po...
- Inequitable Attitudes
- In Defense of Defenders
- Space on the Mat
- Why gender equality is a pre-requisite for success...
- Malala Fund report calls for free, quality primary...
- Plan International’s SDG recommendations highlig...
- Taugare Ruata is the first female leader on Rabi I...
- Investing in female entrepreneurs is “an opportu...
- How an Indian football program is empowering girls...
- Financing for gender equality will ensure that wom...
- Approaching natural disasters through a gender-sen...
- More women at education management and governance ...
- Access to good quality, paid work is crucial to wo...
- How do we correct the gender imbalance in politics...
- Women’s right to freedom of expression and infor...
- UN Women calls for ‘transformative financing’ ...
- Latest Sexual Violence Statistics from Fiji
- Fijian women increasingly empowered to recognise a...
- Lao Vice-Minister of Education and Sport calls to ...
- Media in Fiji
- Treating violence against women as a public health...
- Addressing outdated concepts of entrepreneurs to a...
- Study urges countries to follow Britain’s lead i...
- Does respect for elders need to mean silence for y...
- When Support Falls Short
- Assess and Prevent
- Instituting Gender Sensitive Policies
- Governments must work to uphold international obli...
- Sensitising Legislators
- Event: How the arts are being used to help prevent...
- Forum Reflections
- The Silence in Violence
- Does climate change affect us all the same?
- Maternal mortality and GBV in the Pacific
- The gender employment gap in productive, decent wo...
- Not just a domestic problem: everyday discriminati...
- Research needed to pinpoint factors that cause gir...
- Social media helps survivors and changemakers make...
- Women leading the way against violence in Cambodia
- UN HRC adopts three resolutions to advance gender ...
- Tasmanian government boards and committees have fi...
- Determining Democracy with Vulnerable Votes
- The Violence in Silence
- The Pursuit of Independence
- Event: 'Young men and women: championing gender eq...
- The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must work...
- Women of Kosovo: a mirage of freedom and equality
- How women who stand up to bullying are slapped dow...
- Australia’s midyear report card on women
- Development finance's $83bn question: who will pay...
- What happens when women discriminate against other...
- Governments accused of ‘perpetrating violence ag...
- Event: Translating Women's Voices in India with Ur...
- Transformative Change in Fiji
- Changing Minds. Transforming Lives
- Positive Outcome for Women in Bougainville
- IWDA Research and Policy Advisor Jo Crawford recog...
- Resistance and Persistence
- Enslaved, right now – just for being women.
- Fiji Young Women’s Forum Workshop
- The art of lifting other women as you climb
- Making Measurement and Evaluation Relevant to Wome...
- Dead, Battered, Missing: Women migrants sacrificed...
- Meet PNG’s Governor Julie Soso Akeke
- Video - Roxane Gay: Confessions of a Bad Feminist
- Women's World Cup: Former Matildas star Sally Ship...
- Having a working mother works for daughters
- Blood On Our Skirts
- Husbands And Wives: Who Works, Who Doesn't?
- Bridget Christie: 'Feminists never have sex and ha...
- Governments accused of encouraging endemic violenc...
- This was the election that changed everything.
- Event: Progress For Women Is Progress For All: Jul...
- Meet Najiba, a fearless defender of women's rights
- Nepali Home-Based Workers Association Helps Women ...
- People Are Finally Talking About The Thing Nobody ...
- What High School Dress Codes Teach Our Daughters
- Lebanon: Domestic Workers Need the Protection of a...
- Leading Responses to Violence in PNG
- Iranian Women Are Showing Off Their Hair As An Act...
- Seven ways for women to negotiate better pay and c...
- Julia Gillard's views on sexism in politics are ab...
- Event: Women's Agenda Network June breakfast: Q&A ...
- 2015 and Beyond: Bougainville Parliament
- Solidarity in the Solomons
- We need to stop rapists, not change who gets raped
- Witness: Regretting Marrying Off a Young Daughter ...
- Amani Yahya, Yemen’s first female rapper: I will...
- UNFPA Annual Report 2014
- Politicizing Self-Care and Wellbeing in Our Activi...
- Facing resistance: launching Hollaback! Bahamas an...
- Meet the woman changing the face of domestic viole...
- Ireland: She is not a criminal: The impact of Irel...
- "The trouble with girls": according to a Nobel pri...
- Gay marriage costs Irish politicians nothing – A...
- Some Feminist Fun in Fiji
- Do you know the hidden costs of your clothing?
- Independent? Yes Inclusive? No
- Use our Tax Calculator
- Do you have a reservation?
- Take a bow, and a seat
- "How to coerce drunk women into sex": What's wrong...
- I Have Been Sitting on Manspreaders For the Last M...
- Meet the Indian women hunted as witches
- Petition: Let's Keep Mr Hockey To His Word
- The Body In Development Speak
- Fair Agenda Petition to the Media: One Simple Chan...
- Catcalling happens to most women between the ages ...
- Women in Tunisia Tell of Decades of Police Cruelty...
- The Art of Negotiation for Women in the Workplace
- What Life Is Like When Getting Your Period Means Y...
- Online Discussion - Empowering Women in Market Sys...
- A True Trailblazer: Vale Joan Kirner
- Highest in History: Women Contesting Constituency ...
- Vale Joan Kirner AC, Visionary Leader, Advocate, I...
- Spare Rib: 21 years of radical feminist magazine g...
- Want your daughter to earn more? Be a working moth...
- Say Her Name: Resisting Police Brutality Against B...
- Budget 2015-2016 – Gender Lens
- Political Marginalization of Women Hinders Tunisia...
- A Day In The Life Of A Giant Tampon
- End Child Marriage, Sign the Executive Order
- Frameworks for Protection: An Important Step
- Legal Lessons: Legislating Attitude Change
- Witness: Branded a Troublemaker – Ruth’s Story
- Thousands of Women at Risk: The truth About Family...
- Worldwide Sexism Increases Suicide Risk in Young W...
- Going with the FLOW: From None to Some
- Change Starts Here with You. With 25,000+ voices.
- Axe the Woman Tax: Getting to a Federal Budget tha...
- The Gender Gap Grows in Fiji
- The Significance of Skill-building
- One in Two is One Too Many
- Identifying Family Violence Training (Yarra)
- A feminist awakening in India: By Justin Fitzherbe...
- Melbourne Development Circle Event: The Unconferen...
- Nigeria's bill targeting FGM is a positive step, b...
- How can women reclaim their bodies after sexual as...
- Cyclone Pam Update - Rebuilding and Resilience
- Female Leadership supports Afghan Widows to Addres...
- Budget 2015-16: A Gender Lens
- Mona Eltahawy: ‘All religions are obsessed with ...
- Budget 2015: Australian of the Year Rosie Batty sa...
- International Day Against Homophobia and Transphob...
- Aid cuts in the 2015 Australian Federal Budget
- Who, what, where and how? Debating the means of im...
- Call for Participation: AWID Forum 2016
- Virtual Knowledge Centre to End Violence Against W...
- Awareness, Analysis and Action: Sexual and Reprodu...
- Happy International Day of Families 2015
- Pregnant 10-year-old rape victim denied abortion b...
- Some men are faking their hours (and why women sho...
- Why Female CEOs Thrive In Nonprofits
- UNFPA: Reaching quake-affected pregnant women in N...
- Nepal quake survivors face threat from human traff...
- Boko Haram Rescue: Pregnant Women, Girls Among Tho...
- State of the World's Mothers
- It's Time to Redefine Strength
- 25,000+ Strong
- Vale Mavis Robertson AM (1931-2015): Inspirational...