Thank you for standing with us
A message from IWDA’s CEO, Bettina Baldeschi
Today at IWDA, we are full of hope.
Our loyal supporters, in their thousands, have used their power to say ‘enough’ to sexual harassment and violence in all its forms.
This tax time, you helped us not only meet our fundraising target of $480,000, but slightly exceed it. Your support means we can continue to fund the critical work of our partners in Asia and the Pacific, and for that, we are extremely grateful.
This funding will make a direct and powerful difference to women experiencing harassment, assault and abuse. It will help dismantle the patriarchal systems that stand in the way of gender equality. It will strengthen our movement to end violence against women for good.
Over the past couple of months, we have talked a lot about power.
That’s because while women’s experiences may differ depending on where they live, their class, race, age or sexual orientation and gender identity – the underlying cause of sexual harassment and violence is the same: abuse of power.
Your donations will help amplify the work of our locally-based partners dedicated to taking back power.
This includes organisations like Akhaya Women in Myanmar, who are working tirelessly to change laws that normalise sexual assault. The group has also led public campaigns to call out sexual harassment wherever it takes place.
Htar Htar, founder of Akhaya Women, describes why their work is so necessary:
“Everybody who takes the bus or walks on the street encounters sexual harassment. But they never complain about it. Women are taught to value virtue at an early age. They are taught to tolerate without complaint.”
Your donation will empower our partners to continue their fearless work.
I look forward to updating you on the successes you have made possible. But for now, thank you again.
Standing tall with you,
Bettina Baldeschi