Nazareth Centre for Rehabilitation

Nazareth Centre for Rehabilitation (NCfR) works in Bougainville to respond to gender-based violence through safe houses, counselling and referrals. They also run prevention programs and awareness raising among local communities, which are mainly located in rural areas. Their key focus is ending violence against women, girls and children. This includes engaging with men and boys to bring about social behavior change.

Nazareth Centre for Rehabilitation AND IWDA

IWDA first partnered with NCfR in 2013 to support the three sub-regional networks of Women’s Human Rights Defenders in North, Central and South Bougainville. Currently, IWDA is working with NCfR on their project: ‘From Gender Based Violence to Gender Justice and Healing’ with support from the Australian government.


Quick Facts

  • NCfR was established by the Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth, and is led by Sister Lorraine Garasu, who has been awarded an Order of Australia and the US State Department’s International Woman of Courage Award. She was instrumental in the Bougainville Peace Process through organising the women’s groups to call for peace and then as a representative in the formal process.
  • NCfR also runs programs on peace and security issues – particularly in relation to women’s role in peace building. They work with rural and very remote communities, which are hard to access and where no one else works.
  • NCfR is a key partner for the Autonomous Bougainville Government.