Illustration by Gazellah Bruder
Introducing ‘The WEAVERS Research Report – The Women’s Rights Movement in Papua New Guinea: where we came from, where we are and where we wish to go’.
This new collaborative research highlights the strengths, challenges and powerful role of the women’s rights movement in PNG.
The WEAVERS Research Report is the outcome of research conducted by Dr Orovu Sepoe (Lead Researcher) and a steering committee of diverse PNG women’s rights advocates and rights actors. It delves deep into the PNG women’s rights movement to understand “where we came from, where we are, and where we wish to go”. The research team engaged with 38 women’s rights organisations from five research sites across PNG.
The research reveals a strong cultural precedent of women coming together in PNG – Meri Bung in Tok Pisin – providing a strong foundation for today’s women’s rights movement.
Research findings also highlight that despite fragmentation, weak institutional linkages and funding constraints, women’s rights organisations share a “collective consciousness” – meaning they have a shared understanding of their values and purpose that informs their perseverance in taking action to advance and protect women’s rights.
The research was wholly locally-led and guided by the steering committee, which worked collaboratively across all research phases and had representation from disability inclusion and human rights organisations, faith-based groups, and groups representing LGBTQI+ people.
The report provides future directions and recommendations for the women’s rights movement, governments, supporters and partners.
The research was commissioned by International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA) and funded by the Australian Government through the PNGAus Partnership.
List of PNG women’s organisations
Through the literature review conducted for the WEAVERS research, PNG WROs were identified, and from this list a sample was selected for participation in the research. The list below does not claim to be exhaustive and does not show the numerous community-based groups, church women’s fellowships, and ad hoc organising/networking by women. It is therefore appropriate to regard this as a living register of ‘formally visible’ or known organisations and groups.
Organisation |
Focus / Interest |
Location |
1 | Women Arise PNG- A Movement Against Violence Against Women and Girls | Gender-based violence | National Capital District |
2 | Equal Playing Field | Gender Based Violence, leadership and young women’s empowerment | National Capital District |
3 | Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Education and leadership | National Capital District |
4 | The Voice Inc. | Leadership and advocacy | National Capital District |
5 | Ginigoada Foundation | Economic empowerment and skills training | National Capital District |
6 | Evangelical Lutheran Church –Southern Region Youth | Leadership, Gender-based violence and skills training | National Capital District |
7 | Lifeline PNG | Gender-based violence | National Capital District |
8 | Motu Koita Village Women’s Associations | Economic empowerment | National Capital District |
9 | Starbrooks Inc | Economic empowerment | National Capital District |
10 | Port Moresby: A Safe City for Women and Girls | Gender-based violence | National Capital District |
11 | Bel Isi PNG | Violence free society and gender equality (Public-Private sector partnership) | National Capital District |
12 | Christian Revival Centre Bethel Tabernacle Women’s Ministry | Health and spiritual development | National Capital District |
13 | Coalition for Change PNG Inc | Gender-based violence | National Capital District |
14 | Eda Hanua Foundation | Gender-based violence and health | National Capital District |
15 | Haus Ruth City Mission PNG Ltd | Gender-based violence | National Capital District |
16 | Maiva-Koitabu Women’s Group | Economic empowerment | National Capital District |
17 | Meri Tok Save | Leadership, Youth development and gender-based violence | National Capital District |
18 | Moresby South Council of Women | Women’s rights and empowerment | National Capital District |
19 | National Development Bank – Women in Business Desk | Economic empowerment | National Capital District |
20 | NCD Women’s Alliance Association | Economic empowerment | National Capital District |
21 | Pacifika Women Network | Economic empowerment to promote business for women | National Capital District |
22 | Pari Women’s Development Association | Address women’s needs and women’s empowerment | National Capital District |
23 | PNG Girl Guides | Leadership and mentoring | National Capital District |
24 | PNG Netball Federation | Leadership development through sports | National Capital District |
25 | PNG Women’s Chamber of Commerce & Industry | Economic empowerment | National Capital District |
26 | PNG Yumi Kirap | Gender-based violence | National Capital District |
27 | Porebada Women’s Association | Economic empowerment | National Capital District |
28 | Port Moresby Archdiocese Catholic Women’s Association | Leadership and spiritual development | National Capital District |
29 | Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce Women’s Advisory Services | Economic empowerment | National Capital District |
30 | Provincial Council of Women, NCD | Women’s rights and empowerment | National Capital District |
31 | Papua Hahine Social Action Forum | Women’s rights and gender-based violence | National Capital District |
32 | Business and Professional Women’s Association | Empowerment through education | National Capital District |
33 | Rural Women’s Empowerment Association | Economic empowerment | National Capital District |
34 | Young Professional Women’s Network | Employment, mentoring and capacity development | National Capital District |
35 | Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) | Women’s rights and empowerment | National Capital District |
36 | Safe Motherhood Alliance (SMALL PNG) | Health | National Capital District |
37 | Samberi Polopa Women’s Voice Association | Economic empowerment | National Capital District |
38 | WeCare Foundation | Health and Education | National Capital District |
39 | Westpac Outstanding Women | Leadership | National Capital District |
40 | Women in Engineering Association | Leadership and Education | National Capital District |
41 | Women in Mining and Petroleum | Economic empowerment and Education | National Capital District |
42 | Women of Hope | Economic empowerment and Health | National Capital District |
43 | Anglicare PNG Inc | HIV-AIDs and gender-based violence | National Capital District |
44 | Business coalition for Women (BCFW) – peak organisation (business) | Economic empowerment – BCFW is the leading voice in PNG advocating for gender equality within the business community. | National Capital District |
45 | Business and Professional Women’s Club | Education and mentoring | National Capital District |
46 | ANZ Banking on Women Group | Economic empowerment Mentoring & Career Development | National Capital District |
47 | Abau District Council of Women | Women’s rights and empowerment | Central |
48 | Boera Women Sewing Project | Economic empowerment, gender-based violence and health | Central |
49 | Boera Women’s Association | Economic empowerment | Central |
50 | Diari Tailoring Project | Economic empowerment | Central |
51 | East Central Papua Mainland Region –Women’s Network | Leadership | Central |
52 | Koita Women’s Association | Leadership | Central |
53 | Kuni Women’s Association | Economic empowerment | Central |
54 | Lakwaharu Women in Agriculture | Economic empowerment | Central |
55 | MotuKoita Women’s Advancement Association | Leadership and economic empowerment | Central |
56 | Porebada Women’s Association | Leadership | Central |
57 | Central Provincial Council of Women | Women’s rights and empowerment | Central |
58 | Rigo Women in Business | Economic empowerment | Central |
59 | Tatana Day Women’s Fellowship | Leadership | Central |
60 | West Central Mainland Papua Region –Women’s Network | Leadership | Central |
61 | Rigo Women in Agriculture Cooperative Society | Economic empowerment | Central |
62 | Central Women in Agriculture | Economic empowerment | Central |
63 | Gulf Christian Services | Health | Gulf |
64 | PNG Women in Business, Gulf Province | Economic empowerment | Gulf |
65 | Provincial Council of Women, Gulf Province | Women’s rights and empowerment | Gulf |
66 | Taru Women Business Council | Economic empowerment | Gulf |
67 | Abau District Council of Women | Women’s rights and empowerment | Central |
68 | Alotau Sideia Diocese Catholic Women’s Association | Spiritual development and women’s needs | Milne Bay |
69 | Provincial Council of Women, Milne Bay Province. | Women’s rights and empowerment | Milne Bay |
70 | Kedu Seif Haus | Gender-based violence | Alotau, Milne Bay |
71 | Women for Justice | Gender-based violence | Milne Bay |
72 | Provincial Council of Women, Western Province | Women’s rights and empowerment | Western |
1 | Arawa Micro Finance | Economic empowerment | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
2 | Arawa Women’s Training Centre | Education | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
3 | Arawa Women in Business | Economic empowerment | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
4 | Association of Bougainville Women in Business | Economic empowerment | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
5 | Bougainville Microfinance | Economic empowerment | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
6 | Bougainville Women’s Empowerment Fund | Economic empowerment | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
7 | Bougainville Women’s Federation. | Economic empowerment and leadership n Promote and coordinate women’s groups – including district women’s federations – and network with broader Pacific women’s organisations. | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
8 | Chabai Rehabilitation Centre | Gender-based violence | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
9 | Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency | Gender-based violence, women’s rights and empowerment | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
10 | Hako Women’s Collective | Women’s rights and empowerment | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
11 | Nazarene Centre for Rehabilitation (Sr Loraine Garasu) | Gender-based violence and Peace Building | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
12 | Tulele Peisa | Economic empowerment and leadership | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
13 | Tunaniya Open Learning Centre | Education and gender-based violence | Autonomous Region Of Bouganville |
14 | ENB Counselling Services | Gender-based violence | East New Britain |
15 | ENB Social Action Committee | Gender-based violence and health | East New Britain |
16 | Matrak Cooperative Society Limited | Economic empowerment | East New Britain |
17 | PNG Women Empowerment | Leadership and women’s empowerment | East New Britain |
18 | Provincial Council of Women -ENB | Women’s rights and empowerment | East New Britain |
19 | Women and Youth in Agriculture Cooperative Society | Economic empowerment | East New Britain |
20 | Utmading Cooperative Society | Economic empowerment | East New Britain |
21 | Pihi Manus, (Manus Provincial Council of Women) | Women’s rights and empowerment | Manus |
22 | Lihir Family & Sexual Violence Action Committee | Gender-based violence | New Ireland |
23 | Lihir Meri Divelopmen Senta Association | Leadership, economic empowerment and gender-based violence | New Ireland |
24 | Niu Ailan Women in Business | Economic empowerment | New Ireland |
25 | Provincial Council of Women, New Ireland Province | Women’s rights and empowerment | New Ireland |
26 | Komuniti Hanmak | Economic empowerment | New Ireland |
27 | Provincial Council of Women, East New Britain | Women’s rights and empowerment | East New Britain |
28 | Women’s Skills | Economic empowerment | East New Britain |
1 | Eastern Highlands Family Voice Inc | Gender-based violence and health | Eastern Highlands |
2 | Himakupu Women’s Group | Leadership and economic empowerment | Eastern Highlands |
3 | Kerefa Women’s Association | Economic empowerment and health | Eastern Highlands |
4 | Ouna Women Group | Health | Eastern Highlands |
5 | Women in Coffee Development | Economic empowerment | Eastern Highlands |
6 | Provincial Council of Women, EHP | Women’s rights and empowerment | Eastern Highlands |
7 | Kafe Urban Settlers Women’s Association (KUSWA) | Gender-based violence | Eastern Highlands |
8 | Pogera District Women’s Association | Leadership | Enga |
9 | Porgera Resident Women’s Association | Leadership and economic empowerment | Enga |
10 | Enga Provincial Council of Women | Women’s rights and empowerment | Enga |
11 | West Enga Women’s Association | Economic empowerment | Enga |
12 | West Enga Women’s Foundation | Leadership and education | Enga |
13 | Voice of Porgera Women in Mining/Porgera Red Wara (River) Women’s Association Inc | Economic empowerment | Enga |
14 | Hela Rural Women’s Development Foundation | Economic empowerment | Hela |
15 | Hela Women’s Cooperative Society | Economic empowerment | Hela |
16 | Koroba Kopiago District Women’s Association | Economic empowerment | Hela |
17 | Provincial Council of Women, Hela Province | Women’s rights and empowerment | Hela |
18 | Hela Women in Peace building | Peace, Security and violence against women | Tari, Hela |
19 | Aviamp No.2 Women’s Group | Economic empowerment | Jiwaka |
20 | Jiwaka Indigenous Business Council | Economic empowerment | Jiwaka |
21 | Jiwaka Women’s Microfinance | Economic empowerment | Jiwaka |
22 | Provincial Council of Women, Jiwaka | Women’s rights and empowerment | Jiwaka |
23 | Provincial Indigenous Business Council | Economic empowerment | Jiwaka |
24 | Meri I Kirap Sapotim (Highlands based Women’s NGO | Gender-based violence and women’s rights | Jiwaka/Highlands Region |
25 | Voice for Change | Economic empowerment, gender-based violence and human rights | Jiwaka |
26 | Provincial Council of Women, Simbu Province | Leadership | Simbu |
27 | Simbu Rural Women’s Empowerment Project | Human Rights | Simbu |
28 | Simbu Lutheran Women’s Resource and Training Centre | Leadership and education | Simbu |
29 | Kup Women for Peace | Gender-based violence, Peace and Security | Migende, Simbu |
30 | Kutubu-Foe Women’s Cooperative Society | Economic empowerment | Southern Highlands |
31 | Provincial Council of Women, SHP | Women’s rights and empowerment | Southern Highlands |
32 | Samberigi Polopa Women’s Voice | Economic empowerment | Southern Highlands |
33 | Sisibia Women in Agriculture Group | Economic empowerment | Southern Highlands |
34 | Southern Highlands Province Women in Business | Economic empowerment | Southern Highlands |
35 | Soro Women’s Business Group Inc | Economic empowerment | Southern Highlands |
36 | Safe House Pomberal Catholic Parish Church (Swiss Missionary) | Gender-based violence | Mendi, Southern Highlands |
37 | Mercy Works Sisters of Mercy in Australia and PNG | Women’s empowerment and spiritual development | Western Highlands |
38 | National Women’s Evangelical Church | Spiritual development | Western Highlands |
39 | Provincial Council of Women, WHP | Women’s rights and empowerment | Western Highlands |
40 | Western Highlands Women’s Molgpa Kundi Association. | Leadership, economic empowerment and gender-based violence. | Western Highlands |
MOMASE Region |
1 | Ambunti District Council of Women | Women’s rights and empowerment | East Sepik |
2 | Angoram District Council of Women | Women’s rights and empowerment | East Sepik |
3 | But Women’s Village Group | Economic empowerment | East Sepik |
4 | Drekikir District Council of Women | Women’s rights and empowerment | East Sepik |
5 | East Sepik Committee Against Violence Against Women | Gender-based violence | East Sepik |
6 | Hawain Early Childhood and Women Empowerment Centre | Education and women’s empowerment | East Sepik |
7 | Provincial Council of Women, East Sepik Province. | Women’s rights and empowerment | East Sepik |
8 | Wewak District Council of Women | Women’s rights and empowerment | East Sepik |
9 | HELP Resources, Wewak, East Sepik | Community and women’s empowerment | East Sepik |
10 | Ahi Council of Women | Women’s rights and empowerment | Morobe |
11 | Bookland PNG Ltd | Education | Morobe |
12 | Femili PNG | Gender-based violence | Morobe |
13 | Life Services Foundation | Economic empowerment | Morobe |
14 | PNG Women in Agriculture Development Foundation | Economic empowerment | Morobe |
15 | Provincial Council of Women, Morobe Province | Women’s rights and empowerment | Morobe |
16 | Situm’s Women Association | Leadership | Morobe |
17 | Ward 9 Women’s Welfare Association | Economic empowerment | Morobe |
18 | Wau/Bulolo Female Small Scale Miners Association | Economic empowerment | Morobe |
19 | Highlands Sexual Reproductive and Maternal Health Project | Sexual reproductive health | Morobe (remote areas) |
20 | Oro Women in Agriculture | Economic empowerment | Oro |
21 | Oro Women in Provincial Assembly | Leadership | Oro |
22 | Women’s Floriculture and Agriculture Association | Economic empowerment | Oro |
23 | Provincial Council of Women, Oro Province | Women’s rights and empowerment | Oro |
24 | Koyatuna Women’s Group | Leadership/Health | Tufi, Oro |
25 | Sandaun Provincial Council of Women | Women’s rights and empowerment | Sandaun |
26 | Catholic Women’s Association | Leadership and spiritual development | Sandaun |
27 | Catholic Women’s Association, Archdiocese of Madang | Economic empowerment, gender-based violence and Health | Madang |
28 | Madang Country Women’s Association | Economic empowerment, gender-based violence and Health | Madang |
29 | Madang Women in Business | Economic empowerment | Madang |
30 | Provincial Council of Women, Madang Province | Women’s rights and empowerment | Madang |
31 | Catholic Dioceses of Madang | Gender-based violence | Madang |
NATIONAL (Several Regional Locations and International) |
1 | Baptist Union PNG | Gender-based violence | National |
2 | PNG Women’s Micro Bank Ltd | Economic empowerment | National |
3 | Coffee Industry Support Project (CARE International in Papua New Guinea. | Economic empowerment | Eastern Highlands, Morobe, Jiwaka, Simbu and Western Highlands |
4 | Business Coalition for Women | Economic empowerment | Port Moresby, Lae and Bougainville |
5 | Country Women’s Association | Skills development & training | Madang & Port Moresby |
6 | Aspire PNG (Regional network) | Develop future generation through ‘Democratic Innovations’ | PNG/Fiji |
7 | Community Development Workers Association Inc. | Community empowerment | National |
8 | National Council of Women (21 Provincial Council of Women) | Women’s rights and empowerment. Encompasses locally based twenty 21 Provincial Councils of women; 96 District Councils of Women and 313 Local Level Council of Women (2013 NCW Act). | National |
9 | PNG Women in STEM | Leadership and education | National |
10 | PNG Women with Disability Association (plus a network of Provincial WWD Associations) | Leadership and Persons with Disability Rights | National |
11 | Family Farm Teams | Gender-based violence and economic empowerment | Eastern Highlands, Western Highlands, Jiwaka, Bougainville and New Ireland. |
12 | Kommuniti Lukautim Ol Meri | Gender-based Violence | Western Highlands, East Sepik and West Sepik |
13 | Parenting for Child Development | Family livelihood and economic empowerment | Western Highlands, Jiwaka, Madang and Simbu |
14 | PNG Women in Politics [ – the political arm of the PNG National Council of Women]. | Leadership and political participation | National |
15 | Advancing PNG: Women Leaders Network | Leadership and education | National Capital District/ National |
16 | Soroptimist International (PNG) | Women’s rights and gender-based violence | Lae and Port Moresby (International) |
17 | Business Coalition for Women | Economic empowerment | National Capital District/ National |
18 | Susu Mamas | Reproductive health | National Capital District/ National |
19 | PNG Women Doctors Association | Employment, mentoring and networking | National |
20 | The Voice for Democracy | Women’s rights and political participation | Port Moresby/ Simbu |
21 | Women in Mining | Employment, mentoring and capacity development | National |
22 | Women in Maritime Services | Employment, mentoring and capacity development | National |
23 | Women on the Frontlines PNG – Evangelical Faith Based group | Spiritual development and life skills training | National |
24 | PNG Family and Sexual Violence Action Committee (with 21 Provincial FSVACs) | Family Sexual Violence/Gender-based violence – a quasi- government-civil society entity | National Capital District/ National |
25 | PNG Women in Leadership | Leadership and governance | National |