44,061 lives changed.

IWDA partner Banteay Srei has been testament to the power of women’s collective action for over 30 years. Operating in Cambodia, Banteay Srei (meaning ‘Citadel of Women’) has been with us since our very beginning in 1985.
Domestic violence is rife but widely unreported. Women in violent relationships still feel pressure to stay, and those that do leave often face stigma and a lack of support.
These are all issues that Banteay Srei are working to change. And they’ve had a lot of success.
Excitingly, through programs that target gender-based violence, economic empowerment and women’s leadership, Banteay Srei have reached over 44,061 people in the last 30 years, across 10,629 families and 118 villages.
One of their most effective programs has been their safe houses, where women who are escaping violence can access emergency accommodation, counselling and legal referrals.
Banteay Srei also play an essential role in violence prevention, educating men and women on women’s rights, violence and the law.
As Panha Sok, Banteay Srei’s former Executive Director stresses:
“We prioritise women’s safety and security first. Other organisations require documents be completed before support is given. But Banteay Srei works differently. We start with the women’s needs first. We focus on the person, then the papers.”
Banteay Srei has been offering a life-saving service for women who have nowhere else to go for 30 years. Your donation of $30 can ensure that in the next 30 years, organisations like Banteay Srei will still be here for women.