Event: PNG Gender Parity Symposium (Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane)


The Australian Government is committed to a 10-year aid program to help women in the Pacific increase their economic, education and social opportunities, and providing the tools that will allow them to participate fully and safely in life.

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is experiencing commercial and social change as many women begin to leave traditional roles and move into the workforce. Australian businesses in PNG have a responsibility to support women during these changes by understanding the cultural shift and the barriers that PNG women face.

Held in three cities across Australia, the ANZ | Papua New Guinea Gender Parity Symposium will discuss the ways businesses can identify and understand barriers against women, while helping to rise above them.

Discussion panels will address cultural norms, how industries can be more supportive of women and disadvantaged groups, the benefits of adopting a diverse workforce, and identifying gender parity legislation gaps in PNG.

Find out more information on the Asia Pacific Professionals Association website.