Young women key to achieving peace in Solomon Islands


Attendees at a Peacebuilding workshop organised by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the Solomon Islands have heard that peace will not be able to be achieved without participation from young women.

Former Speaker of Parliament Sir Paul Tovua opened the workshop. He said:

“I have every confidence that our emerging leaders can prevent violence and build peace. We cannot build peace without the participation of young women and men.

“A high number of our young people have limited or no opportunities for education, training or employment.

“If young people are ignored they can be a hindrance. We will never go wrong in being more inclusive of young people in peace-building efforts.”

The workshop was organised with support from the Solomon Islands National University, Ministry of Women, Youths, Children and Family Affairs and the Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace.

Read more on the Solomon Star News website.