IWDA Infrastructure Position Paper
This policy position outlines IWDA’s position on infrastructure.
IWDA Climate Change Policy Position Paper
This policy position outlines IWDA’s position on gender and climate change in the Pacific and Asia.
IWDA Safety and Security Framework
The International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA)’s Safety and Security Framework guides our work towards a consistent approach to women’s and girls’ rights to safety and security. It is intended to support a systematic approach to IWDA’s safety and security work across programs, research, policy and advocacy, and strategic engagement. The framework reflects IWDA’s current strategic…
Feminist Foreign Policy: Key Principles & Accountability Mechanisms
IWDA joined with the International Centre for Research on Women and Professor Anne Marie Goetz of New York University’s Centre for Global Studies to explore the principles and accountability mechanisms needed for feminist foreign policy.
Making Infrastructure Work for Gender Equality
IWDA Policy Brief on the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP).
WAVE Annual Report – 2018
The WAVE Annual Report 2018 demonstrates a growing evidence base for women’s movement-strengthening in Asia and the Pacific, and shows the transformative power of women’s leadership at all levels.
Young Women’s Leadership Project – End of Project Evaluation, April 2019
This evaluation assesses the Young Women’s Leadership Project’s achievements in relation to relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability, using the project design and monitoring, evaluation and learning framework, and the Baseline established by the Australian National University/Bougainville Women’s Federation research.
From Rhetoric to Reality: Towards a Feminist Foreign Policy
IWDA and CARE analyse the 2019-20 budget and recent performance data on the aid program against a feminist foreign policy lens.
WAVE Mid-Term Reflection Report
The WAVE Mid-Term Reflection was a learning exercise for WAVE partners, including IWDA, to reflect on our approaches, make visible the patterns and interconnections emerging, and jointly analyse our practice.
Hear Our Voice!
This booklet captures the stories of some of the many inspiring young women leaders of Bougainville, who participated in the Young Women’s Leadership Project.