Public Perceptions of Women’s Political Leadership in Timor-Leste
This report outlines the findings of a study investigating public perceptions of political leadership and of women as political leaders in Timor-Leste in 2018-19.
Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Australia activating greater trade and investment with Pacific island countries
This submission outlines IWDA’s recommendations to ensure Australia’s trade and investment policies contribute to progress on gender equality in the Pacific.
Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into strengthening Australia’s relationships with countries in the Pacific Region
This submission outlines IWDA’s recommendations to strengthen Australia’s approach to women’s empowerment and gender equality, in order to deepen relationships with Pacific countries and improve outcomes of Pacific Step-up activities.
WAVE Annual Report – 2019
Read about the ways in which the WAVE program supported individual women’s leadership, systemic change, women’s movements and civil society organisations, and research, evidence, and learning throughout 2019.
Factsheet: Care in Crisis
The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated more than ever that care work, paid and unpaid, underpins economic and social life in all societies.
Policy brief: Comparative analysis of feminist foreign policies
In this policy brief, IWDA explores feminist foreign policy in practice through a comparative analysis of country frameworks.
Gender and Economy in Melanesian Communities
This toolkit is a collection of materials for tracking the impacts of economic change for women and men in Melanesian communities.
Plan Your Power Toolkit
In a context of new global challenges facing women’s rights agendas, IWDA and Womankind Worldwide have created Plan Your Power: A Toolkit for Women’s Rights Advocacy Planning.
IWDA Position Paper on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
This paper outlines IWDA’s position on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).
IWDA Position Paper on Feminist Foreign Policy
This paper draws on IWDA’s work to date, outlining the basis of a feminist foreign policy for Australia.