Meet ALFeLa: Championing women’s rights in Timor-Leste
For women trapped in relationships where sexual, physical and emotional abuse is all too common, it can often feel like there are often few options to escape.
In Timor-Leste, violence affects nearly 40% of women over 15 – yet according to IWDA partner ALFeLa, few women understand their rights. They are unaware of the laws that are supposed to protect them or the services available to help them.
With the help of Australian supporters like you, our partner ALFeLa is one of the few organisations in Timor-Leste working to change this. By providing legal advice and information, ALFeLa is helping women understand their rights and empowering them to leave unsafe relationships and life-threatening situations.
ALFeLa also advocates for legal reform to ensure the rights of Timorese women are prioritised, and works with politicians and law-makers to remove barriers that are currently preventing women from seeking justice.
Like all of our partners, ALFeLA are brave, driven and living-proof that women should never be underestimated.
In the video above, you can hear first-hand from ALFeLa staff about how their work is playing a critical role in stopping the cycle of violence and championing women’s rights in Timor-Leste.