IWDA Position Paper on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

This paper outlines IWDA’s position on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).

IWDA supports the rights of all people to comprehensive, accessible and affordable SRHR.  IWDA engages in SRHR advocacy through our participation in the International Consortium on SRHR,  supporting SRHR service providers and advocates through coalitions such as We Rise, and other partnership mechanisms.

We advocate for the rights of women in all their diversity,  as well as people of diverse gender identities and sex characteristics,  including the right to comprehensive SRHR education, care and abortion. We recognise that diverse groups,  including people with disabilities,  experience greater barriers to fulfilling their SRHR because of the intersectional nature of the discrimination and disadvantage that they experience related to their gender and other aspects of their identity.


IWDA Position Paper on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights