Feminist Foreign Policy
Explore evidence on global feminist foreign policies.
WPS in Afghanistan: Betrayal and Renewal
The Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan on 15 August 2021 unraveled significant achievements of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda in Afghanistan over the last two decades.
Gendering the Indo-Pacific Dialogue: Opportunities for India and Australia
The Indo-Pacific as a strategic construct has grown in prominence in global geopolitical discourse, especially over the last five years
Feminist Perspectives on Climate Diplomacy
Feminist foreign policy provides a lens through which we can see climate action as a shared priority, a human security issue, and one which is central to Australia’s relationships with the region.
From Seeds to Roots: Trajectories towards Feminist Foreign Policy
The purpose of this research is to improve understanding of the trajectories towards adoption of feminist foreign policies.
Policy brief: Comparative analysis of feminist foreign policies
In this policy brief, IWDA explores feminist foreign policy in practice through a comparative analysis of country frameworks.
IWDA Position Paper on Feminist Foreign Policy
This paper draws on IWDA’s work to date, outlining the basis of a feminist foreign policy for Australia.
A Feminist Foreign Policy for Australia: Joint submission to the 2020 Review of Australia’s International Development Cooperation Policy
This joint submission from five leading gender equality focused Australian NGOs makes the case that Australia should adopt a feminist approach to all areas of its foreign policy, including international development.