Karen Young Women’s Leadership School (ANCP) – Executive Summary

IWDA formed a partnership with Karen Women’s Organisation (KWO) in 2001. KWO established the Karen Young Women’s Leadership School and IWDA funded the KYWLS in one of its first years of operation.

The purpose of this review is to:

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of KYWLS against ODI’s recent research on young women’s leadership programs
  • Inform IWDA’s future young women’s leadership programming
  • Provide findings/recommendations regarding the cost-benefit analysis of women’s leadership programming, to potentially be shared with DFAT
  • Where possible, provide 1-2 case studies regarding the impact of the KYWLS on individual women’s lives for use in promotional material

This was a desk-based review of KWO and IWDA project documents. Preliminary findings were shared with the IWDA Senior Manager and with senior KWO staff by the IWDA Program Manager, Myanmar. A draft of the review was shared with KWO and staff edited the review for accuracy.


Karen Young Women’s Leadership School (ANCP) - Executive Summary