Inquiry into Australia’s response to the priorities of Pacific Island countries and the Pacific region July 2024 submission to inquiry into Australia’s response to the priorities of Pacific Island countries and the Pacific region

IWDA is an Australia-based organisation, resourcing women’s rights organisations primarily in Asia and the Pacific, and making our own contribution to global feminist movements. We are proud of our long-lasting partnerships with women’s rights organisations in the Pacific. We currently partner with 15 organisations in the Pacific, who are based in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste, and Vanuatu. IWDA can support the Committee to connect with these leading women’s rights organisations and advocates to participate in hearings, on request.

We are pleased to present this submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade’s inquiry into Australia’s response to the priorities of Pacific Island countries and the Pacific region.

Listening to, understanding and responding to the priorities of diverse Pacific voices is a critical priority for Australia’s approach to the region. This submission provides a feminist analysis of areas relevant to the Terms of Reference of this inquiry, drawn from the priorities of feminist organisations and movements in the region.

Inquiry into Australia’s response to the priorities of Pacific Island countries and the Pacific region - IWDA Submission
