Tax Calculator

Want to know how much you can save on your tax bill? Use our tax-deductible donations calculator

By donating to IWDA by 30 June 2024 not only will you be supporting women’s rights, you could also be reducing your tax bill. 

Donations of more than $2.00 are tax deductible within Australia. This means that by donating today you can reduce your taxable income, while helping to provide a safer, fairer future for thousands of women. 

With your support, IWDA can work with women’s rights organisations that protect, support and empower women to say ‘enough is enough’ and break the cycle. 

In Papua New Guinea, a woman is attacked every 30 seconds. This continuous threat affects everyone—a sister, a coworker, a friend. As you read these words, another woman is facing violence.


We need you to step up and help END IT! 

Please give generously. Your donation can help turn fear into freedom.  

Tax Deductible Donations

By donating to IWDA by 30 June 2024, not only will you be supporting women’s rights; you’ll also be saving money on your tax.

Donations of more than $2.00 are tax deductible within Australia. This means that by donating you can reduce your taxable income while helping women escape violence.

Want to know how much you could save on your tax bill? Use our Tax Calculator.

Simply enter the amount you are donating along with your income bracket to work out your potential tax benefit. Of course, your donation won’t only reduce your tax bill – it will help create a safer and more equal future.

Donation Tax Benefit Calculator

What are tax deductions?

Tax deductions are a way to reduce your assessable income and the amount of tax that you pay. Donations of $2.00 or more, made to an organisation registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR), are tax deductible. IWDA is endorsed as a DGR by the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

How do I claim a deduction for a gift or donation?

  1. Make a donation to IWDA and keep your tax receipt in a safe place.
  2. When preparing your tax return, add up all gifts and donations you are entitled to claim.
  3. Write this total in section D9 Gifts or Donations, when you lodge your tax return online, by completing a paper tax return form or through a registered tax agent.

How and when can I claim?

All donations of $2.00 or more made by 30 June 2024 can be claimed in your tax return for FY 2023-24. You can make this claim by completing your tax return directly through the ATO or through a registered tax agent.

Does claiming a tax deduction on a donation affect the amount of money IWDA receives?

No. Your full donation will go towards supporting the work of IWDA.

Why should I make a tax deductible donation to IWDA?

IWDA is an Australian- based organisation, resourcing diverse women’s rights organisations primarily in Asia and the Pacific.

Your donation can:

  • Provide immediate safety and ongoing support to women fleeing violence
  • Secure a safe bed, essential care and nurturing environment for recovery at places like our Safe Houses
  • Fund crucial counseling to help women process trauma
  • provide a woman with the legal support she needs to leave a violent relationship
  • help ensure mobile counselling can reach women living in remote areas.